1.Through good judgment, as well as a little good luck, policymakers have so far avoided turning a credit crisis into a currency crisis.
2.May you be blessed for your good judgment and for keeping me from bloodshed this day and from avenging myself with my own hands.
3.Let's assume that you are using good judgment as to which customers get credit and how much.
4.Although luck had smiled on his expedition, it was a testament to his foresight and good judgment that not a single crewman had died.
5.I also believe that the record must be long enough to make a good judgment.
6.They need to demonstrate good judgment and a strong sense of ethics in deciding what to publish.
7.It is no wonder, perhaps, that teenagers seem to lack good judgment or the ability to restrain impulses.
8.'What led to the subprime meltdown was a manic denial of good judgment because there were warning signs everywhere, ' says Mr. Bennis.
9.Ultimately, the Keynesian revolution was a triumph not of good science over bad science, but of good judgment over bad judgment.
10.Give me a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a problem.